Originally Posted by saridnour
jendand: Check the value of the key I specified in the fix. It sounds like the level may have been changed. Start at 30 and work up. Too high a value will cause skipping at teh begining of play (More detail in first post). I also notied the VC WM issues. It would say pasued, but not pause. Not sure if this is a VC issue or a build issue as this is the only rom I have been runnig anymore. I was going to post on the main and get feedback to see if it's my rom or all.
saridnour --
I deleted the Bluetooth connection to my headphones and set that A2DP key value to 30. Interestingly, my PPC and headphones couldn't establish a connection, which had never happened before. So I tried a value of 40, and for the first time ever, I got an announcement that my headphones WANTED to be discovered. So, I decided a higher number might be better for my headphones. At this value (40), I get a little skipping at first but even when the value was lower it wasn't skip free. Also, at lower values, the music tended to drag a bit, like an old lp playing at too slow an rpm. So, I guess the moral here is that the best key value is a function of the type headphones you're using?
Here's a non-Bluetooth problem. Do I remember correctly that in the original rom WMP paused to get commands from VC? But not now. WMP pauses for other programs, but not VC. Maybe because of this, VC has trouble controlling WMP. Won't stop it; next tract doesn't work; etc. When I say "stop," another program opens up.
Thanks! -- jendand