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Old 05-13-2008, 06:55 PM
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Re: XV6900... features!

Originally Posted by jdloaner View Post
Ok, I hate to have to complain about my new phone, but maybe I just need some direction. My company just made me switch to our Verizon Corporate plan, thus having to leave behind my(dare I say) AT&T iPhone.

Anyways, I picked up the XV6900 after some favorable reviews. But thus far, what CAN this thing do?!

NO: GPS, WiFi, 3.5mm Headphone Jack, Good media player, Browsing Flash Content(ESPN), Keypad Vibrate(when dialing).. the list goes on..... and on.

Can someone please push me in the right direction? Does this Vogue Forum hold up for the Verizon Touch as well? I assume both CDMA, software and settings are the same for both?

Thanks in advance.

(I just really want this thing to blow my friend's iPhones out of the water so I don't have to listen to them anymore...)
actually. using the stuff u can easily search for, YES:GPS, Good media player, Browsing Flash Content(ESPN), Keypad Vibrate(when dialing).. the list goes on..... and on.
If someone (like me) helps you out, press !! only takes a second... !

Mogul -> Vogue -> TP -> TP2 -> Snap -> Evo -> 3D