Originally Posted by Pibe38
Yeah iLauncher also has a task manager that can be mapped to a key (I have it mapped to pressing and holding the OK key as well) that allows you to close, minimize, etc.
So Pocket + does not allow you to place icons on the system tray? Sucks... well, not that I use that function on iLauncher anyway actually...
maybe that's the only difference between iloncher and pocket plus? I gotta tried the try the new ilaucher when I get home. hey pibe, does the trial version has limited features or everything works and just expire in a couple of days? I bought ilauncher a cuople of months ago, do u thing its worth the upgrade?
samsung 680, a700, 920, legendary 9k, a900, 6700, treo 700wx, 6800, 6700, 6800(collecting dust), as of 01/09/08 htc touch, and 5/24/08 finally the blackberry curve, 10/15/08 touch pro, 4/30/09 boring blackberry curve again.
12/04/09 DROID.
WM, HTC, and BB can go to hell now.