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Old 05-12-2008, 05:08 PM
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Re: NO GPS Locks with New Leaked ROM (radio v3.37.10)

I reflashed my custom ROM, but took out a few things (large titlebar app, SRS WOW drivers OEM, touchflo cube), and now everything except the GPS works. Been running GPSviewer for 30+ minutes now and no fix!

UPDATE: I just got an incoming call as I was writing this (first one since I flashed), and as the call was coming in, gpsviewer got a lock with 4 sat's. Still says "acquiring 3d", but I have never, ever, gotten a 3d lock on this phone with any program or ROM. I also had just changed the registry to gpsmode=4 and the server in mswlogo's signature (but hadn't soft reset yet), so I'm not sure which of these things resulted in me getting the fix, or if it was just coincidence.

Originally Posted by FastRX8 View Post
There is a lot of confusing and conflicting info on this thread.
FYI - The latest leaked rom from Sprint has radio version 3.37.15, the Official Alltel rom has 3.37.10.
There are several references in here about 3.37.10, or 3.35.15 from Sprint. Again, it's 3.37.15.
Also, based on the first post in this thread, I'm assuming the OP did not update his radio prior to making a custom rom in the kitchen.
The Kitchen will not update your radio.
You need to update your radio 1st. There are 3 options for a radio on the Vogue.
1) Official rom from Alltel - radio version 3.37.10
2) Leaked rom from Sprint - radio version 3.37.15
3) Ported radio from the Titan - radio version 3.35.04

These radios will enable the gps and revA. Different people have different results.
Just trying to clarify.

@ AceszHigh - Where are you at now? If you're using a Sprint Touch, you should be able to go into bootloader, (assuming your on 2.31), and load the leaked rom from Sprint.
Let customizations run, again, only if you're on Sprint, and you're phone should be fine.
Then you can load your custom rom.