Re: Anyone using iGO 8
So I reflashed several times and it has now been able to receive incoming calls. I don't know what caused it to not receive calls. I was thinking may be that TMC thing or something.
I found that the us tts voice that I have doesn't announce all street/road names. I heard it working for some streets but others it didnt even say anything other than "turn left/right in xxx meters" etc. The fix for the timezone changing seems to be working so I don't have the problem of it changing my timezones.
I would like to use it to find my contacts like how garmin does, but I don't think there's a function for that.
I don't need gpsviewer or anything to "prime" the gps but just use iGO "as is". But iGO doesn't detect the gps automatically, I have to go to gps and search and then go to TMC and search and then go back to gps and search, then it finds it. I don't know why but it works. After that, iGO connects to the gps and just has to find satellites.
Those of you who also use iGO, do you have to do something similar for iGO to detect your gps? I'm not talking about finding and locking to satellites, just detecting that your device has gps receiver.
I'm in Vancouver, BC, and to me, the maps seemed off a little. It puts me off a few houses down my block. Today I was driving and it said I already reached my destination but I was still in a major intersection. I didnt know where the place was as I was solely relying on gps. Good thing I had the address. I found that i was off by half a block. It didnt even tell me to turn on the street that the building was on...weird. I guess the maps for Canada arent as accurate or updated as the others.
Any one got the 3D buildings and terrain to work? I have the files but I don't see buildings or terrain. I know some people in the US don't see buildings and terrain but there have been some that have. I guess it's not really important but it'd be something different.
BTW, anyone know how to make the voices louder? I already have my phone speaker volume to max and iGO to max as well but since my car is a little loud I want it to say where to go slightly louder.
Also, any of you know if you can use A2DP while using gps programs and I would I go about doing that. Thanks