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Old 05-12-2008, 04:04 PM
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Re: NO GPS Locks with New Leaked ROM (radio v3.37.10)

I used original sprint leaked rom and my gps is working great. I think you need to upgrade to the new radio and install the sprint customization.

Originally Posted by gedster314 View Post
I had several issues with the kitchen rom and I could not get GPS to work consistantly with it. I have decided to wait till the kinks get worked out.

I am currently running the actual leaked rom and just reset before the Sprint customizations start. I get a lock within a minute and most times in under 30 seconds. I did not install that gps dll that is mentioned on the first page of the leaked thread. I did make the registry edit \hklm\software\htc\supl agps change GPSMode to 4.

I can't tell you how long it took to get the inital lock. I had just finished installing a bunch of cabs, one of which was GPS today. I dropped the phone into the cradle to sync my contacts. While it was syncing I noticed that the GPSTODAY was blinking and had 7 satellites locked. I have since let the phone go to sleep and when I wake it up and open up GMaps, Live Search or GPSTODAY I get a lock in about 30 seconds. I don't need to kick start anything. Just start anyone of the programs and I get lock. Both Google Maps and Life Search are set to get the gps info from Windows.

I was beginning to think all the success stories were bocus but mine is working great and will alternate between 4 and 8 satelites inside. I have not taken it on a road trip yet.

So far the only issue I have had with the leaked ROM has been the Java with Opera Mini. When ever I cruise to in hangs after a couple of minutes. I just deleted the appd file in the windows directory and installed an older version of Java and and reinstalled Opera Mini and I have no issues with it. Except for the fact I don't have the Sprint Music store anymore. Little messy and a waste of memory but it will work till the kitchen and roms get dialed in.

Good luck