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Old 05-12-2008, 03:23 PM
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Re: NO GPS Locks with New Leaked ROM (radio v3.37.10)

Originally Posted by mindfrost82 View Post
I know for a fact its not cached positions, but I do believe that it is not aGPS (in the sense of cell site triangulation) yet. I think as Google Maps starts seeing sats that is gets an approximate location somehow.

When I first open up GMaps, it'll show the last position from when I had it opened, then it'll usually jump to an area close to me (still showing 0 locks), but that can't be a cached position because I was never anywhere near where it puts me...never.
I think it is AGPS working when it does this. Every time it does it, it's the same position. probably a tower position. I never saw this behavior until I fiddled with GPS Reg settings.

I don't think you can partial GPS positions from Sats that far off and that consistently.

I've also seen it get an assisted position one day and stuck in africa the next.

The assisted stuff seems a little shakey and it doesn't seem to help speed up getting SAT locks. Where it should.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.