Re: Anyone using iGO 8
I've been using igo8 since the demo, which crashed all the times. But recently just got a hold of the final version and map file, dem file and building files. Everything seems great so far, loads time is a little slower than TomTom i guess due to all the graphical handling and such. I used GPSViewer to lock GPS first then launch Igo8 and it picked up the sats right away of course.
I actually used it yesterday going into San Francisco, and my brother called me up while I was navigating without any problems at all. I picked up the call, and talked for a little bit and hung up and iGo8 picked it up right away.
The map display is right on the dot, no off set or anything for me, and it runs pretty smooth on my TOUCH too. Note, I cooked my own ROM without the Cube (BioTouch) stuff so it saves me another 4MB worth of RAM. So u might wanna disable biotouch cuz without it my device seems much faster.
Last edited by vboyz103; 05-12-2008 at 12:18 PM.