If you look in the buildOS window while a ROM is building, it shows the location of the temp directory it uses. For me it was D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\hIq Inc\PPC-BuildOS\
Once BuildOS is done building the ROM and the flasher utility pops up, you can just exit it without flashing. The temp directory mentioned above has the RUU_signed.nbh in it for your flashing/modifying/posting needs.
Originally Posted by bkpatel7
First off Thanks for your great contributions, patience, and answers/advice to everyone out here.
I was playing about with BuildOS, since I want to start cooking and see what I can contribute the forums, but my question is that how do I save the .nbh file? I press play, does it's thing, then takes me straight to RUU flashing tool.
Anyway I can save the ROM?