Originally Posted by Primenall
I agree, all I was saying was they are manufactured that way to lower power consumption, they direct the light through perpendicular hence less light required for the same brightness level, except the veiwing angle suffers, which does suck I always hated it but just accepted it.
Imagine if each pixel section is a thread of fiber optics from the backlight to the top of the screen, (a simular effect although having nothing to do with how it actually works with the pixel structure) less light is needed because it's directed, pretty simple. WTF
One thing I have found is, for me I have my screen set to rotate opposite of the default way and it has less fade out for me for whatever reason(maybe having to do with one eye being stronger or something) You know Htcuser you remind me of another member here who was on a crusade to get to the bottom of the Mogul screen yellow tint issues, just wondering if that's you with a new nickname?

Dont know who you refer to ....
Anyways, i went to a Sprint store near me, one that I have never been too and yup, their demo touch also has a terrible viewing angle. I ask the guy over the counter and he was as informative as my gold fish. SO then I head to a verizon store and found a Touch demo over there and let me tell you.... I WANT THAT SCREEN! Soo beautiful! I can actually enjoy landscape without my eyes suffering from strain. I asked the employee there if there was any way i could buy a replacement screen for their new Touch and he said that I would have to contact Verizon for that and most likely they would replace my phone if the screen was bad. I told him the facts about how Sprint Touch has a very bad screen and how their Touch has a excellent screen and I am begging for a screen of theirs to buy so i could replace it myself. He looked puzzled and just gave me a blank stare. So I told him to come with me to their Touch demo and see the difference from their Touch my my Sprint Touch. Then he just laughed. He said that its definitely a bad screen and to have it replaced thru Asurion. LOL! I explained to him that almost all Touches or 50% of them are like this and its just a matter of screen that was delivered with a batch of Touches. He clearly said for me to have it replaced of switch to Verizon and buy theirs because all their Touches have a good screen. DAMN!!!! Now.. I am on a missin to get a Verizon screen replacement and swap mines out. I will never be happy unlewss I get it. :P