So I thought I might just create a theme for our Forum, since No one else has. Files attatched. Enjoy! (As usual the attatchement doesn't have my custom icons, so you guys can customize it with your own. PM me if you want any of mine) I have added the Wallpaper images for the Touch of those of you interested. The TPBPPCG attatched file is for the Touch.
Edit: This theme is begining to be popular so I have created a .tsk version of the theme for QVGA devices with Portrait and Landscape styles built in for those not wanting to use it in WAD. Simply extract the PBPPCGtemp file attatched and copy and paste it using File Explorer to
Device/My Documents/Templates folder, and then go to
Start Menu/Settings/Today and under the items tab select it from the list. Soft reset and whoalaaaaaaaaaaa.
Making a Touch Version as we speak,
One imge for the WAD is not shown because of the 4 image limitation in the forum, but you can veiw it