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Old 05-10-2008, 11:38 PM
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Re: Verizon VX6900 - Altell ROM

Originally Posted by jesrush View Post
Soccer--great news... I got it sorted out. Now I can receive AND send MMS on my verizon vx6900.

Here is what I did (with help from another thread):

1) Installed Arcsoft 4281 cab and soft reset

2) Go into Messaging \ MMS \ Options \ Servers and create a server just like the one in the attached screenshot. Make it default. Delete any others.

3) Regedit:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]

-Delete any X-Whatever-MDN values from OTHER carriers. For example if you flashed an altell ROM, you might have an X-Altell-MDN entry here. Because you're not on Altell, delete it.

-Add a string value
Name= X-VzW-MDN
Value= your ten digit phone number

-Change the following value to these:
User-Agent= utstar67kv1
Accept= application/vnd.wap.multipart.related
Accept-Language= en

4) Soft Reset.

i did all this and all i get is an error synchronizing when i press send/receive and it acts like i send something but it just disappears and stays in my outbox..

fyi im running ghettofreeryder's new v710 rom.. with very few minor problems.. and with the new sprint 3.37.15 radio..

im goin to cook another rom up and test a few things