Originally Posted by sandiegodude
I believe it is a relevant thread due to the simple fact that any hardware differences on the outside may infer that there are also hardware differences on the inside.
GPS, Screen brightness etc.
This thread is the first step in identifying which versions of the mogul are "better" than others. Even if the hardware version is the same in epst, the SN may be an identifying characteristic. I remember this with an old Sanyo i bought where half were made in Japan and half in China. Quality differences were huge and the only way to find out was the sn under the battery.
you're on point. i've seen a few mentions of this purple ring version mogul around and now i am wondering if it's "mogul baseball" time. the warranty does cover spontaneous auto-disassembly, after all. so this thread is certainly relevant to atleast me, FWIW.
edit: just noticed this was my tenth post. w00t.