Originally Posted by grashoper
just wondering if there is a thread (haven't found one anywhere) somewhere that explains all this lingo thats being used everywhere?? SPL, IMA, RUU, Kitchen, Cooking and all the other hundreds (it seems) that allot of times, it's like when i try to read posts, i can only make since of about 10% of the post because there is so much lingo that perhaps people like myself that are just learning, have no clue what any of these terms mean?? Would be pretty cool if one could revert to a dictionary of some sort so we (I) can make more since of what it all means, and be able to learn a little faster and easier. Thanks!
EPROMS and EEPROMS are the names of the flash roms (memory chips) used in units that allow you to update or upgrade firmware (software). It used to be that they had to be programmed in a EPROM/ROM Flash Programmer = Burner and erased using UV lights etc., thus the term burning a rom. Now-a-days units have programming in them that allow you to burn/flash a rom within them or using your PC via a cable. So in a sense you become a "Cook", taking various ingredients and flashing/burning them to a rom; hence the terms, kitchen (a place where cooking gets done), cooking (flashing/burning a flash file to rom)..
The rest of the terms you can check on Wiki's, forums here and at XDA-Developers - Also take the time to learn the terms, before having to learn others terms, such as brick or bricking..
Once you start, you should be fluent in such lingo.. Usually within a week.