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Old 05-09-2008, 06:45 PM
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Re: New "Official" Sprint ROM (3.49, radio 3.39.10)

Originally Posted by eXplicit View Post
Well, this appears to be only a test ROM. Picture mail be in the official release. We'll just have to hold out til June. I'm not flashing this test ROM based on the issues everyone is describing. I am running the 3.35 Official ROM, and have the Sprint TV cab installed and it's working great for me. It's choppy at times, but I can still watch the shows I like. I'll wait for the official release so I have a reason to yell at Sprint if something wrong happens.
Ya so I ended up going back to the 3.35 rom also.
Few things I saw while deciding if it was working enough to use daily.
Unlike the post above I was able to get HTC 6 tab installed and it worked fine (Must be a version thing).
Sprint Tv was another story. First I loaded the ST that came with the rom. No go blank channel list. So I uninstalled it removed all traces (reg too) and installed the Working Titan tv cab. It installed fine but 3 times I tried to run it and 3 times it locked my ppc up tight. So after my 3rd soft reset I gave up with ST.

My clock was way off too. I went into the settings and tried to update it but it was a no go. The box was check for it to update with the network but for some reason it wouldn't connect. I could change it manually but thats not working enough for me to trust it.

The flash back to stock 3.35 was simple no hang ups, nothing different just connect usb and ran the 3.35 install.
All honesty I wouldn't be surprised if I stayed with 6.0 and continued to just use email for pics and codys threaded for txts.
Went back to a BlackBerry..................
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