Re: Cricket Complete MMS/WAP Settings (change file send/rec size limit included)
thanks to Amoamare,Healthman, Berry_lthird, Badutahboy and everyone else ..hope that helps and i hope that i didn't forget anyone else...if i did i apologize but some of the settings i use are not the ones that they used...a few i added myself but i will say thanks for what they contributed to get this device working on cricket(smile) and i bought the device and payed to have it flashed so i didn't know who did what...i only saved the registry settings from the first flash that i had and incoporated some of my own things along with those because it was a lil iffy on the mms part and that was arcsoft version 3 something ..this is mostly for version 5 and requires a little more tweaking than that other version so again thanks for your contribution badutahboy
Last edited by im1badazchick; 05-09-2008 at 06:06 PM.