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Old 02-19-2007, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by colonel
Originally Posted by jamesus
Originally Posted by colonel
jamesus, dumb question, but are you using the .exe from 1.6? It should work just fine.

Also, has anyone had any shell errors? I can't remember if I have or not.
Tried installing it and moving the exe, but once i uninstall VC, it no longer works correctly.

I still get shell errors, but very rarely. I don't even mind since the ROM reloads so fast!

As for SPB, I agree with not includning them. There are other ROMs there that have them included.

And I love having O2 and InClose. The sound profile in O2 is priceless to me!
Try copying the VoiceCmd.exe to you storage card. Then uninstall the VC you installed from the cab and do a soft reset. Now, copy the VC exe from the SD to \Windows. This should be working as it is all I do.
Tried this:
1. Installed VC.
2. Soft reset.
3. Tested to see if VC works. It does.
4. Copied exe over to SD.
5. Uninstalled VC.
6. Soft reset.
7. Copied exe to \Windows.
8. Soft reset.
9. Navigate to Start > Settings > Voice Command.
10. Select 'Enable.'
11. Click OK.
12. Receive error stating "Voice Command has encountered a problem. Restart Voice Command and try again."

Still it does not work. I tried soft reseting again and nothing. I guess my next order of business would be hard reset or reflash (can't remember if I have your latest).
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