1st of all, flashing to the 3.35 radio is at your own risk......comparing the 2, rev a speeds were about the same, but gps definitely seems to work much better on the 3.35.
yes, having the 3.37 will be fine.....I would test it out, if you have problems w/ gps, and are willing to try 3.35, then try the 3.35 radio, thats what i did.....all i can say is that i havent needed to load the kickstart or anything else for gps to work......with the exception of gps viewer.
your backup should work fine, as with anything, give it a try, if it fails, you can always hard reset.
btw....cokeman has had that statement in his sig for a long time, i think even before the new alltel rom came out.
Originally Posted by KyleMac
Hey OMJ, imcokeman put up a new post last night suggesting that it is a bad idea to install the Titan GPS radio (3.35). Do you know why? Having tried both which radio do you prefer 3.37 or 3.35, any problems since the downgrade? Thanks.
Also, if i have 3.37, this new ROM will still work fine, correct?
And finally, if i did a backup using spb backup on your V2 ROM, can i just run a restore after flashing your V3 ROM to restore all my info/programs without causing problems?
Thanks again for all your hard work.