Pocket Informant 2007 - Help Needed
Sometime this morning I purchased Pocket Informant from PocketGear. During installation, I had the option of selecting other apps to also install; these were trials.
Out of the 4 given, I only chose WebIs FlexMail 2007.
While sitting here watching the installation take place, I am noticing that the only (.cabs) installing on the 6700 are for FM; nothing remotely related to Pocket Informant.
I then look on my C:\ and there is NO PI folder.
I look in programs on the 6700 and there is NO PI?
Ok, PocketGear got my money, I rec'd a registration number by email from them and NOTHING on the 6700 to enter it.
So, can someone tell me, where PI went?
I've done the install serveral times.
When I open Active Sync (add/remove) FlexMail is there, PI isnt.
Any....and I do mean any help is greatly appreciated.
See, this is what I get for actually paying for software!