Originally Posted by clockcycle
So those of us "upgrading" to the 3.xx/GPS radios are assuming and hoping that HTC/Sprint will follow with a release being 2.xx+ compatible atleast and /or a radio that "upgrades" or totally replaces our "hacked" 3.xx..
And if that is not the case, we will end up with units with "dirty" radio ROM area? Thus causing possible incompatibilities with official ROM releases and/or end up with bricks?
I am further wondering, if sprint techs will be able to detect this when and if we have to turn in a faulty unit for repair or exchange..
The official release of the Sprint Touch GPS ROM will more than likely be a 3.xx radio. The titan's radio is a 3.35, so the touch should be in the same range, who knows maybe itll even be the 3.37 radio customized for sprint.
To answer your second question, yes the sprint tech's will almost certainly be able to detect this. Especially when they see that the bootloader screen says 2.31 ImCokeMan. Also the radio version can easily be detected in the EPST.ink menu.