Originally Posted by andyandmarlys
I have tried Iguidance, Google Navigator, TomTom, Google Maps, MS Live, and Nav4All and Sprint Nav..
Head and shoulders above all is Tomtom... close second would be sprint Nav.. (sprint fails though as I live and work 3 miles from the Canadian border, and cross frequently... can't be depending on data for GPS functionality)..
Iguidance was high on my hope list... due to it announcing the street names and not being data intensive.. but it is soooooooooooo sluggish... I could drive miles without it updating... and it has sluggish animations.... and it isn't relaible...
Tom Tom is the winner so far.. I just hope they can 1... improve their maps... and 2... add text to speech for street names...
The way to fix iGuidance is to use an app like GPSGate. This has been discussed a few times. iGuidance has a problem with using the built-in GPS COM ports, so it needs a COM Port Emulator, then it works great. I had the same problem as you until I used GPSGate.
I have a new favorite though. Garmin Mobile XT!!!!! TomTom had out-dated maps for me, which is the whole point of using a GPS system. Like you, I didn't want to rely on data for my maps either.
Garmin has such a nice interface, closely resembling their standalone GPS units. Their newest maps are dated 2009, which are even newer than iGuidance. You can load custom POI's, which is a huge bonus for me. You can get them from poi-factory.com. I just loaded over 200,000 POI's yesterday.
I do miss the TTS street names, but hopefully they will add that feature soon. There is a small issue with it changing the system date/time until it gets a GPS lock. That can be annoying if you have reminders or alarms setup.
The maps are much prettier than iGuidance, and the whole interface is much cleaner.