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Old 05-08-2008, 11:15 PM
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Re: Vogue/Touch Kitchen (GPS & No GPS versions)

Originally Posted by clockcycle View Post
Anyone notice a huge difference in battery use depending on what ingredients you chose?

I am not sure, but last night I whipped up selections in the kitchen to check out the results. While running battery status; I notice that with the backlight on 2 above half and me messing around with the unit I was getting under 127mA and depending what I used it ran between 98 and 87mA.. I left the phone alone for a bit, came back to wake it, and notice the last meter reading with backlight dimmed was posting usage of only sipping 36mA..

I didn't think much of it, thought those were normal readings, until this afternoon I threw in a set of different ingredients, most notably most of the nue* selections and wKtask instead of the HTC.. Later on I notice that the vistahide battery bar showed 25% gone.. Humm.. so I look at the battery status meter and see it's using up juice at 280-334 mA, while dropping under 200mA with backlight dimmed and as last reading 127mA after hitting the power button waking the unit up..

I am gonna have to check further details, I may have been transitioning between 3.35 and 3.37 radios, but I am not 100% sure.

The tests aren't scientific nor perfect, the phone has been basically in the same spot, but from time to time slight difference makes a difference between 3-4 bars, so I'm gonna have to watch it more..

Just weird and wondered if anyone else notice this..



P.S. What are some of the "known" battery drainers? @ $4 / gal of gas and not being able to do much about it, I can atleast save some energy on my phone :P
i noticed this as well, but I wasn't too sure. It's my first time using the kitchen and one of the rom I cooked seemed to drain the battery faster. I don't remember what I did but some insight would be nice as to why would help me avoid making the cooked rom a power hog. thanks