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Old 05-08-2008, 08:30 PM
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Re: Voice Command Confirmation Volume over BT?

Results so far:

I began with a Sprint OEM ROM that I decomposed into a kitchen that I believe was put together by DogGuy, using tools built from a number of contributors. I mention this, so where credit is due, I have made an attempt to pass it along.

Here is what I am working with:
BL = SPL-0.40.CoKe
Radio = 2.13.00
Rom = 1.12

This Radio does not include Rev.A, nor does it support GPS functionality.
This ROM is Windows Mobile 6 Professional - CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2)

Built with MS VoiceCommand = 1.6.17913
The prompts are virtually inaudible. I can press the earpiece into my ear canal and then they are relatively clear.
In-Call volume is fine. Callers can hear me and I can hear them.
I can hear the prompt, but no matter what I try, I can not get Voice Command to accept my acknowledgement.

Built with MS VoiceCommand = 1.6.19209
The prompts are still very light in volume, but they seem a little bit louder than inaudible.
I can hear the prompt, but no matter what I try, I can not get Voice Command to accept my acknowledgement.
In-Call volume is fine. Callers can hear me and I can hear them.

Based on the aparent inability of 1.6.19209 to accept any form of acknowledgement, I decided to concentrate on modifying the AudioPara.csv in 1.6.17913 to increase the volume of confirmations and announcements. I used no2chem's neat little nueAudio application.

Unfortunately, the result is that while in-call volume is impacted, the volume of announcements and confirmations does not vary.

I agree with opinions of others stated in this thread; there has to be a way, either through registry or settings file (AudioPara.csv) manipulation. Unfortunately, the settings file has over 60 lines of different settings and some of those lines have nearly 90 columns of settings to (potentially) manipulate. You can narrow down the probable choices based on the names of the lines, but what we really need is some type of FAQ or guide (internal to Microsoft and their OEM's ?) on how the AudioPara file impacts the behavior of MS Voice Command.

So, my recommendation is, if you find yourself in a boat described by this post, run with MS VoiceCommand = 1.6.17913 and recognize that, while confirmation acknowledgement will probably work, you will struggle to hear the confirmation, announcement and acknowledgement prompts.

Best regards,

p.s. the next logical step would be to continue the analysis with the 3.x radio ... unfortunately, I will not be able to spend much time on this analysis. My hope is that there is a pending update in the pipeline from Sprint/HTC and it will address some of these issues for Sprint users, which the PPCKitchen can then be used to share with non-Sprint subscribers.