Verizons Official Answer To XV6900 "touch" WM6.1 Update
Just thought i would post this i emailed verizon and the is what they told me.
Thank you for contacting our Verizon Wireless website. We are happy to
assist you with your Windows Mobile question.
Verizon Wireless is committed to providing the very latest in products
and services. At this time, Verizon Wireless is still testing the
Windows Mobile 6.1 update for compatibility with Verizon Wireless services
e.g. Wireless Sync, VZAppZone etc. We are unable to state if or when
Windows Mobile 6.1 will be offered for the Verizon Wireless XV6900. We
understand and apologize for any frustration regarding this but we are
only able to provide information regarding products or services that we
are currently offering. We are unable to disclose any unconfirmed
information because it would be subject to change and could raise expectations
that may not be met.