GPS interfering with calls
Anyone having this same problem?
I'm using Ghetto's v7 REV A/GPS rom, alltel 3.37 radio rom, and all I've installed was tomtom and astrolauncher to test out GPS.
It seems when I run tomtom when gps is not working I can call in and call out but when I use astrolauncher and run tomtom and actually get a lock on gps, I'm no longer able to call into my phone. I can still call out but no one can call in.
I even tried this with google maps and same result. If I'm not using gps, I can call in but once I select use gps in google maps, I can no longer call in.
When gps viewer is on, no incoming calls can connect.
I never noticed this before until I didnt get some calls so I started testing. I've flashed with other roms before but never tested it so I don't know if it's a rom issue or possibly a radio issue.
I never had this before I flashed to the new alltel radio and new REV A/GPS roms.
Anyone know what is wrong or have had this happened?