Originally Posted by soccerman821
i can recieve pic msg, but not send them.. and ill try that next time i use my gps...
Soccer--great news... I got it sorted out. Now I can receive AND send MMS on my verizon vx6900.
Here is what I did (with help from another thread):
1) Installed Arcsoft 4281 cab and soft reset
2) Go into Messaging \ MMS \ Options \ Servers and create a server just like the one in the attached screenshot. Make it default. Delete any others.
3) Regedit:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader]
-Delete any X-Whatever-MDN values from OTHER carriers. For example if you flashed an altell ROM, you might have an X-Altell-MDN entry here. Because you're not on Altell, delete it.
-Add a string value
Name= X-VzW-MDN
Value= your ten digit phone number
-Change the following value to these:
User-Agent= utstar67kv1
Accept= application/vnd.wap.multipart.related
Accept-Language= en
4) Soft Reset.