Originally Posted by dschoenike
I have a question regarding subscribing to sprint t.v. If we're officially not supposed to have it on our moguls, will subscribing for the premium channels work or not? And if does work, will it throw up red flags to sprint? I just dont wanna help ruin it for everyone, if thats possible. Thanks, dschoenike
I heard some people are able to subscribe from their phones I can't, says some thing like "cant complete the phone call or some ****. I don't think it would throw up a red flag. Sprints going to officially give it to us, we where supposed to have it from the beginning. Try it out cant hurt. I don't recommend getting the channels then when your bill comes calling sprint and saying some thing like "I'm not supposed to even have it how are you charging me". Thats shady and will end up causing us all problems. Not saying your going to do that but I have seen people ask about that in post's.