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Old 02-17-2007, 07:00 PM
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konceptz, this is a great contribution! While the experts are cooking away and doing all sorts of mysterious hard to understand things efforts like yours are important for newbs to keep their sanity.

A few questions:

1. Can you tell me how you created these installers. From looking at them I'm assuming you just created an SFX with RAR and put in these comments?


2. Related to that, if I wanted to create a "complete" installer with Radio, ROM, and EXT_ROM, could I just include all three files in the package: radio_.nbf, nk.nbf, and ms_.nbf and MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe would be able to handle them?

(FYI if anyones interested, I was thinking of using the radio_.nbf from the latest official spring/utstarcom ROM. For ext_rom, I was going to start with a blank one and add only cabs for apps I want to install-that I either couldn't build an OEM for or there wouldnt be any advatange to using an OEM for. For the sprint stuff that is normally in ext_rom Ive used the no junk SprintExtendedOEM created by SchettJ which like many others (eg. sfaure) I've been cooking into all my kitchen builds to save space)

3. Finally, i'm sure its explained elsewhere but whats the difference between MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe and ROMUpgradeUt.exe? I've seen most people use MaUp but others (I think sfaure is the only one I noticed) use ROMUp to flash their cooked ROMs. The official official sprint ROMs use ROMUp I think.

Would appreciate anyones comments. Thanks.
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