Originally Posted by calisoldier83
mswlogo can you upload the dlls and 1,2,3 files you used??
This original thread is still the best in my opinion and the current "Stickied FAQs" all assume you run a Stock ROM without any fixes needed or you run a cooked ROM. It's missing how to setup a Stock ROM and once you know that you can "fix" a cooked ROM that wasn't updated (with new information) when you used it or not rereleased yet.
Third File "Unlocking Files" is the "1-2-3 Method" it's called 1-2-3 because it's a Zip with 3 files you run to "Unlock" (DISABLE SECURITY).
This thread below in my opinion should be restickied and updated.
This thread is the thread to watch for the new GPS DLL's, it should be renamed and Stickied !!
I used the ZIP so far and is a pain in the butt because you have to rename old DLL's. If old DLL's are cooked in your ROM you might be able to still overwrite ok [you won't be able to rename), I'm not 100% sure. Use Total Commander to copy files.
Oh CAB might work better, but I was nervous it installed "Kickstart" which is not needed or wanted if you use "1-2-3 Unlock Method".
I'm NOT using a cooked ROM, I'm still using the procedure in the First thread and so are many folks because the Altell ROM as is very Vogue. The heck with 6.1. All I want is a Stock Sprint like ROM with GPS. Altell ROM is 90% just that. With some work, mostly described in first thread.