Originally Posted by SBR_L3GION
hey man i dont know if yoyu want wm 6.1 but no2chems latest has excellent memory management and sounds like it would be perfect for your gaming i have the mogul and have been playing with this rom ever since it came out and i suspect soon it will be in the kitchen. hopefully my touch will come in tomorrow and i will do what i can to load it up and see what its all about so i can give a more even analysis.i have had the mogul for 8 months so it will be kinda hard just using it as guinea pig. i can already for see me picking up the wrong phone and not realizing it till i get in the car.
Hey, have fun bro! If you're talking about no2chems 5065, then maybe I'll try it out, but I'm already using Vetvito's 6.1.1 Aeromobile (the one prior to his new dcd based one), and that was a big improvement over the Sprint Stock ROM.
With Vetvito, my Mogul's responsiveness became almost like my Palm Treo in terms of speed. That's the one thing I miss about the Palm Operating System. SPEED. I'm not used to waiting for apps to open, or if they are already open, the lag time in switching, lol!
With that said bro, thank you very much for the suggestion, I appreciate it, and I was planing to update to Vetvito's new DCD based ROM, but I'll check out no2chems too. (flashing only takes 10 mins, why not, lol!)
I'll say this though, and I can probably find this info in a search, but can I Restore from Backup to a new ROM? Like, If i go to no2chem, and restore with Sprite Backup, will it restore? (It's a different ROM)
To get back on topic, both Window's Mobile Machines are cool in their own ways, and I suggest to the OP to go to a Sprint store, and checking them both out, or even if someone here on the boards lives near you, hook up with them and check one or the other out.