Originally Posted by motorpsycho
aGPS is much more accurate then a mile... When I had aGPS on my sanyo 9000 (the 9k only had agps, no "real" gps at all) it was very accurate, within 10 yards.
What I believe your seeing isn't aGPS at all, but your getting a lock, on one or two satellites, and that is what is providing the inaccurate reading, even though google says its not connected to any satellites, its really impossible to tell how quickly, or accurately that number google displays really is.
AGPS is definitely working now (Cell Tower Triangulation). I was just throwing the mile out there. Sometimes it's within a block. sometimes it's miles. As soon as I get 2 Sats or more it's dead on. AGPS (cell only assist) will not get you within 10 yards reliably.
Cell Tower Triangulation (the assist in AGPS) is not that accurate usually. Had my daughters BB which only had Cell Tower GPS and it was all over the place. If you have 12 towers near by maybe it's more accurate.
Sample articles discussing results using cell only. But with the Cell Tower triangulation (Assist) now working COLD Starts on the Sat GPS will be MUCH better and more consistent.
Note sure why GPSMode=2 never seems to use the "assist" even though it should.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.