Phone stuck at tri color SPL screen!
Hey, newly registered, long time viewer to the forum. I've had this problem before but it eventually went away after a little while.. Now it's been forever and the phone has been stuck at the tri color screen and will NOT get out regardless of what i do. I can try to do the coke unlock and that wont work, if I try to reflash with telus rom it gives me the 262 error and brings me to recovery, does nothing... I tried to flash other random roms as well and they say invalid version (duh) .. Now I don't have a spare phone, so I'm pretty much effed til I get this thing working.. I'm broker than a joker (i know broker isnt grammatically correct, but you know :P), so I can't just go buy a new PDA phone.. Someone pleeeeease offer me some insight, I'm going insane here!!!