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Old 05-04-2008, 07:09 PM
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Re: SprintTV on the Sprint HTC Touch Official Discussion Thread

As of today, is there any Mogul playing SprintTV in any form? I only ask because I recently aquired one and have been trying to install SprintTV but without success. I have tried with two different cab files one called (1.92MB) and the other (804KB), in addition to two sets of cache folders I managed to download one being 74KB (posted on this site on 11-08-2007, 06:45 PM by schettj) and the other 214KB (file sizes when in .zip). Of course, I tried combining the different cabs with caches but makes no difference.

The cache files were placed both in 'windows/cache' and in 'program files/sprinttv/cache' just in case. I have tried replacing the cache files before, during, and after the program is running, to no avail. That folder is always cleared by the SprintTV program anyway.

I have an unlimited data plan so I shouldn't have problems with that aspect.

The result has always been the same: I can open the program and go as far as the channel listings, where there is in fact nothing listed except rarely it may say "loading..." but before anything else happens the program always quits abruptly without warning nor message. I wonder if this is happening to anybody else.

Is there something I am doing wrong or that I am missing? Or is it simply not working for anybody anymore? ...or what? I have read many posts on this subject but this is as far as I have gotten. I'd appreciate any help that could clear this all up!

And by the way on a separate note... can videos be viewed on the Mogul? This has been giving me trouble as well...