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Old 05-04-2008, 11:21 AM
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Re: GPS & standby mode

Originally Posted by VW View Post
If you are running the astogps app with iguidance.mscr you are essentially running a script. I have that for iguidance too. The iguidance launcher was what this was based off of. This is for if I dont want to use iguidance at the time, because I might want to use just trackme or just google maps.

This script turns off the battery and ac timeout in the registry. It will prevent standby as long as gpstest is running

On another note, the new dlls really work well. Now the only issue for me is the long cold start.
Google maps keeps my phone from going to standby as well. Don't know about Track Me. I don't like mucking in registry for "routine" tasks. Bad Idea IMHO. Your phone hangs you reboot and forget it was left in that state and later you find a dead phone. I suppose bootup script could reset it to normal.

I agree so far dlls seem good.

Sometimes there is nothing you can do about cold start. But I suspect the "assist" is still not working right. I never get a "rough" position (other than Nigeria which is probaly Lon 0 Lat 0). If "assist" was working I should initially get a position within my ZIP code. It's either nigeria or spot on (sats come online). My daughters BB phone seems to only have "assist" GPS and you can clearly tell by the positions it gives.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.