Re: GPS kick start for unsigned drivers
Now I'm starting to see the picture.
For the record GPS has worked with every set drivers so far (without kick start because I did the "1-2-3 security lift"). But I have had the GPS Lock after a few hours with no pattern (might work next day, might not). Soft reset always worked.
I have seen what might be side effects from the different drivers and I've been blaming different radios. Too many variables.
I've had phone drop call while stand still with good signal (probably radio in this case)
Had Data Connection not drop after many hours idle (always did with Sprint ROM) I think some drivers were keeping Data connection awake.
Had phone lock up at end of long BT call phone had gone to sleep during call. Would not wake up. (not sure if this is GPS driver related)
Had Data Connection hung overnight (I think this is possibly GPS Driver related).
I put 3.35 Radio on, Ran Sprint Customizations, Stock Alltel OS ROM, and your newest drivers and this is the best 18hr's yet. But I've said that before and had to eat my words.
Data Connection Shut down on it's own, first time, good sign things are "normal" !!!
GPSDaemonService not running, not needed and think it's related to better behavior so far.
You have to be careful about judging quick GPS lock, but first lock I got 7 sats almost instantly. I'm sure I won't continue getting instant locks, but that was first time I ever got 7 Sats.
No Kickstart needed (I rand 1-2-3 Security Lift).
Next test is the long BT call tests and long term stability of GPS across a single boot.
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
Last edited by mswlogo; 05-04-2008 at 08:29 AM.