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Old 05-04-2008, 02:32 AM
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Re: GPS kick start for unsigned drivers

Originally Posted by mswlogo View Post
Can you explain a little more, or give a pointer.

I'm still confused:

1) Why did original drivers in GPS Titan Enable.Cab Start and not these.

2) I thought the "unlock/prep" scripts we run before installing GPS Drivers makes it so "unsigned drivers" would work. But this trick didn't work on Alltel and the need for kickstart.

3) Are you saying KickStart has migrated into "Restart" (from standby) for everyone (Alltel, Verizon, Sprint) on any "Hacked" GPS ROM?

4) Does Titan stock GPS ROM need this too?

Thanks for the help
1. ) Not sure I have no idea how the cab was created.

2.) The alltel users were the first to be the GPS testers, and there was no cab created the files were manually copied over. Do to the fact that these files did not have a signed security cert, the system would not load the drivers. So hgray being an Alltel users and the first to get GPS working had created a program to load the drivers.

3.) Kickstart is just a utlity to autmaticly load the GPS devices and GPS service. Being the Touch does not have GPS officially user borrowed drivers from other devices, that seemed to worked. Though after reading many of the threads many of the users are having problems. They are able to get a GPS lock during intial use but later on they are having problems, me myself included.

Which leads to the drivers I had posted. Before the new radio I had tried to get GPS going on the Vogue but was unsuccessful. Due to this process I had accumilated alot of different drivers. Some of which when launched the GPS locked the device, other did nothing, other activated the GPS but made it sluggish. Long story short I posted the best combination that I found out of the drivers.

An example of this is booting a XP machine into safemode the video driver works, but the diaplay doesn't look to good. The video card is no being used to it's full potential. After a reset and you boot the machine normally the display looks a lot better, you are using the correct driver.

4.) No the Titan has a Official GPS rom.