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Old 05-04-2008, 01:07 AM
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Re: I keep hearing that 3.35 radio is not safe...

If it doesn't break don't fix it... But on the other hand it's always fun to experiment... (Make sure you have insurance if you are that sort) and know what you are doing also help...

So far I had flashed back and forth between the 3.5 and 3.7 radio a few times without problem using the 2.31 unlocker. But for the most part I am happiest with the 3.5 radio and AllTel rom. Reason being is that I wanted to try out jd ROM after hearing all the hype about it. So I flashed jd lite ROM and ughh... jd was serious that it was lite! But I must admit that guy know what he is doing... His rom is extremely lean and mean.

But it didn't exactly suit my need so I thought well before flash back to the Alltel rom I tried out OMJ rom and urghhh it's extremely bloated

So I am back on Alltel Rom...