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Old 05-03-2008, 10:51 PM
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Re: GPS kick start for unsigned drivers

Originally Posted by mardukeme View Post
I am sorry about that didn't mean to distract you from your studies. Can you post your calender with important dates on it, so I know when not to bother you, just kidding. Anyways thanks I appreciate your hard work.
I love being able to contribute, even if it is with a 6 line program!

Well, I would give up a calendar, but then again, I don't keep one! :-/

BTW, I did fail the test because I didn't attend. Though, it's no one's fault but my own. After staying up all night, and studying for it for over 14 hours straight (not including ppcgeek time), I looked at the syllabus. Then I figured out what I needed to get on the test, and determined that I had just wasted 14 hours and missed out on some much needed sleep.

It's not your fault, but it feels better to blame you!