Originally Posted by mswlogo
Would the newly discovered recovery of "Stuck in Download Mode" (now covered in Complete FAQ Sticky) have recovered your brick?
Is running the Alltel Vogue Radio ROM in a Sprint Vogue just as risky or is that considered safe because it is for the same physical device?
can you post a link to this? im interested in reading it. the only "faq" i found was on the vogue main forum, it had no such fix in it. thx.
I cant answer your flashing question as well as cokeman can, but i think anytime you flash your device it is a risk. Less problems with the same hardware to hardware flash, and even less problems with same hardware/carrier flash.
As for the radiation, last i heard the 3.35 radio was measured to release 1.21 gigawatts of radiation. However, talking and driving 88mph has been speculated to reverse it.