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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2007, 12:33 AM
ImCoKeMaN's Avatar
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ImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIPImCoKeMaN is still contributing even after becoming a VIP
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Those reg entries are for the speed dial button not smart dial. In place of smart dial in AKU 3.5 there is a program called celedial that works quite well.
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