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Old 05-02-2008, 05:33 PM
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Re: How to Customize a Custom Rom: Adding/Removing Programs

Originally Posted by firefli View Post
I really like JD's sprint2921 ROM, and I'd like to have the gps and revA like the Hybrid ROM. If I use prepit to extract the nbh of each rom can I simply mix and match certain files to get gps and Reva on a stock like ROM? I'm sure that's over simplified but I really don't know. Can I turn one of the ROMS into a kitchen?
The GPS and Rev-A is actually in the Radio. That topic on converging roms should be left to the chefs. This thread is for taking jd's rom and adding a few programs to it and taking out a few you don't want. Maybee you can request to have the features you liked in his 2921 rom installed in his current rom.
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