Originally Posted by badutahboy
Again, Piracy is a simple part of a developer's life, just like theft is part of a storeowner's life. There's no use complaining about it, because there's no way to stop it. The people who are "victimizing" you most likely would never buy your product in the first place.
All software developers have to right to complain and will continue to complain. Thats hard earned money you are taking from their children. Soon all apps will be web-based, this will help prevent users from pirating.
Originally Posted by badutahboy
I do like the fact that you never remotely addressed the meat of my post.. That being that pirates are a minority of the computing public, and only a very small minority of pirates are people who do it because they're too cheap to buy a program that they actually NEED.. the only people who are hurting the developers are a minority of the minority of computer owners.
This maybe the case with large companies like Microsoft and Adobe, but us small guys need every sale that we can get. Companies that develop apps for PDAs are generally small in size and only charge $5-$10 for their apps. This is because that is what the market can bare. I'm sure companies like Resco can not survive off of selling applications alone. And I'm sure it is because you can go to the Newsgroups and download every Apllication that sell.
Take Arcsoft's MMS for example, it was not licensed to Sprint users, but it was still installed on every Windows Mobile device Sprint users had. That is well more than a minority of users.