Re: How to Customize a Custom Rom: Adding/Removing Programs
1- Deconstruct donor rom
By now you have installed the kitchen, copied the donor rom and had a few quick pointers.
Let's get started...
Run PrepIt.bat
Some click on it out of windows explorer, and some run it from the dos command prompt. I have only had issues with ..\Tools\OEMizer.exe not doing it's thing in the proper directory. (which I never use...btw) Maybee that could be another tutorial. Windows seems to handle either for me just fine.
Tip: Contrary to popular myth, when you deconstuct a rom, the directory names for the OEM's stay the same and are easily identified!
Note: (Added 2/2/2009)
Here are some additional notes on Carrier Released Roms and how to get the NBH from the EXE:
Install WinRar. The rom is actually a self-extracting archive. Right click on the leaked rom (exe) and click on "Open with Winrar". From here, click on and drag the LARGER of the 2 NBH's (the big one is the rom as we know it) inside the exe and drop that into your kitchen. Then your good to go after you close winrar...
2- ADD/Remove Programs...OEM's
This is the way I start.
Open up two copies of Windows Explorer.exe. I split my screen with one window on the left side, and one on the right side. On the left is the c:\kitchens directory, and of course the right window is your PPCGeeks_OEM folder.
ADD PROGRAMS- simply drag your OEM from the right PPCGEEKS_OEM directory and drop it into the c:\kitchen\OEM folder
REMOVE PROGRAMS - This is a little more complicated...
Here is the best way to approach it. In the left window, open the c:\kitchen\SYS folder, and the right window should still be your PPCGeeks_OEM directory. When you see a program you want to delete, simply delete the whole directory or folder.
I can't cover each and every OEM here, but from what I have seen, most everyone has the same stuff as far as OEM's go. Did I say pretty much the same stuff? Good. Once you have added and deleted what you want move on to step 3.
3- BuildOS
This step adds/removes OEMS that you selected in step two.
In your left window, change back to the root c:\kitchens directory and run BuildOS.exe
This should have brought up a new window, this is the BuildOS program. In the window you should see most of the OEMS that you added. YOU WILL NOT SEE OEM's THAT WERE ALREADY IN THE DONOR ROM, and they will be added for you. Place a check mark to the right of the program that you have added. Please check all the programs you want included in the build. Next click that green arrow in the upper left of the window. This will create the OS. You will see the green progress bar to the bottom right. When it is done, BuildOS will say "Done." in the lower left corner. Now you can close BuildOS.
Things that can go wrong....
Most common are duplicate files in OEM's. In this case, BuildOS will display an error. I am not prepared in this tutorial to outline every duplicate. Normally you search your C:\kitchens directory for the offending filename and delete one of the two. This is the reason I suggest using the PPCGeeks_OEM package, the nice folks at have done this for you.
4- BuildIt
In your left window, got to the kitchen root directory and run BuildIt.bat
When this is finished, so are you! You will find your new rom in the ..\RUU folder. It is named...
...This file is what most of you are used to downloading and flashing. You can now run ROMUpdateUtility.exe and test your new creation, change your pagepool, etc...
5- Flash It
Congratulations! You have successfully Customized your Custom Rom!
Edit: If at any time you do something wrong...
1 - The kitchen renames your donor rom to Input.nbh in the root directory. So all you have to do is go back to step one and start over.
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!
Last edited by rstoyguy; 02-03-2009 at 01:11 AM.