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Old 05-02-2008, 08:15 AM
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Thumbs up Get CONSISTENT GPS Locks with MotorMethod(tm)

I like most others on this forum have been getting VERY sketchy GPS results with the new touch ROMS, about 48 hours ago I stumbled upon a method for getting CONSISTENT Locks. I didn't want to post right away, saying I've found the holy grail of GPS locks only to have it not stand up to testing, like so many others have done. Thusly, I've been testing for about two days, and have yet to have a failure, with all locks happening in < 1 minute in approximatley 11 tests. Now, i've decided to share my Motor Method for consistent GPS locks, in hopes that I can get some community feedback on it.

* All testing done outside, or in a vehicle that was outside, except 2 successful "warm starts" inside my home, where I've never been able to get any connection.

My System:
*sprint touch
*JD's gpsTEST rom
*3.37 radio

Note: I do have quickGPS installed and "valid" though it was also installed and "valid" when I wasn't getting consistent locks

1) open gpsVIEWER
2) com 4 > open GPS > cold start
*without closing gpsviewer, and without waiting for gpsViewer to find a lock*
3) open google maps (stock settings) > use gps

at this point, you should get a lock in under a minute, google maps can be closed, and another GPS program opened. Once your end gps program is open (garmin for example) gpsViewer can also be closed.

I've tested successfully in a variety of circumstances. With > 10 hours between GPS uses, with less the 10 minutes between uses, after soft resets, etc.

please test, and post your results... Thanks!

Last edited by motorpsycho; 05-02-2008 at 08:19 AM.