Re: Ghettofreeryder v7 Roms - Rev A, GPS
make sure google maps is configured in the settings menu as "let windows manage".
In your settings>system menu,(where the sounds and settings are) go to the external GPS program. Make sure the first tab says GPS program port com4. the hardware tab should be GPS hardware port set to "none" and baud rate of 4800. Make sure that location settings are set to "on". Start Gpsviewer, set it to com4, and baud rate of 4800. click "open gps" and click on cold start, wait about a minute, and then go and start google maps or whatever program, and click on use gps, and you should get a lock, as Gpsviewer will blow that GPS port wide open for use.
This is what i did, and it worked perfect. i have no problems having to start GPSviewer first, cuz it works, and its neat to see the satelitte map.
Make sure you close the GPS in Gpsviewer when youre done or it will keep the port wide open