Originally Posted by Success100
(cross post)
well, went and tried GPSviewer on my lunch break. I started the program, waited about 15 seconds, and BAM 11 satelittes. Started live search, clicked on center on gps, and it locked in about 2 seconds. Started google maps was locked onto 7 sats in less than 2 seconds. This is crazy cuz nothing else worked for me. Im gonna highly recommend this program and im gonna post my results in the other GPS vogue threads. Im stoked now!!!
I still need to try that method. I used GPS Viewer today and picked up about 4 or 5 sats but no lock. Went to Google Maps and it put me within about 10 miles of my location, but never locked (kept moving around) and then gave up and put me in NC.
I think I'm going to switch back to 3.37.