Originally Posted by berry_lthird
I'm having trouble connecting. I flashed my Vogue to Cricket Wireless and they use a proxy server through port 8080. I emailed the company and asked if there was a way around this. No luck so far..... 
Got a response from them today:
Originally Posted by gpstoday@geoterrestrial.com
date Apr 30, 2008 6:05 PM
subject RE: Proxy Settings?
To be honest, we never really tested GPSToday to function with a proxy server. (To be fair, you are the first user who has asked despite thousands of users since launch) .
If its not working for you, it means GPSToday doesn't support it yet. We will try to get this into version 1.0, and we will let you know as soon as its out.
Code Name: berry_lthird
Status: Member of the Ohio Cricket Mafia
Quote: "Idiots: Putting the
I back in 'team'"
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