Re: GPSone chip hack via 6800 rom editing
the GPS chip is access via the "windows intermidiate driver" i am not sure exactly what that is but this seems to be what makes the GPS seen in the OS... secondly the Radio firmware controls the Qualcomm chip, including the GPS. without the custom radio firmware nothing can be done.
there is some site where i found details on a manual upgrade, this involves unlocking the phone for custom firmware, installing the software (windows intermidiate driver) and then installing the radio firmware that unlocks the GPS chip.
there is a guy at that just tried to install the 6800 firmware his 6700 and i asked him if he was able to work the GPS... he said the phone is extreamly unstable though. but if he can access the GPS functions then we will know that this hack may become a reality
I was just thinking. i bet if we can setup the firmware, the windows intermediate driver should work fine and hopefully we wont have to unlock the phone to install the radio firmware.
if i am not mistaken we should be able to just install the radio firmware without having to build a new ROM and loose everything on our phones. then when someone builds a new kitchen they can include the new radio firmware
and all the DLL files and the registry entries are the windows intermidiate drivers files and settings.. our only concern at this point is setting up the new radio firmware, from there we can most likely use the windows intermidiate driver to connect to it, if not then we be fudged... the biggest reason this was never hacked was because nobody had figured out how it was controlled. they were all looking for simple registry hacks and hidden software, API's for writing software and the such. the truth is that the answer lies in the Radio firmware which isn't visible in any of this stuff...
does anyone know who is responsible for the 6800 hack anyway? maybe that person can assist us by letting us know how it was done
Last edited by ironsoulreaver; 04-30-2008 at 11:06 PM.