Originally Posted by realmeister
I read in several palces that AGPS is not enabled in these leaked files.... ????? ......
I've flashed OMJ's new ROM this morning and it's been easy cruising for me ever since. I've also made the following change in the registry and it sped up acquisition BIG time:
HKLM/Software/HTC/SUPLAGPS/GPSMode --> Change to 4 (original value of 2)
If anyone wants to see if agps works why don't you put your phone into flight mode. Which would shut off the phone radio, in turn not allowing the usage of agps, but do a soft reset first. Now see how long does it take you to get a signal. Then try the same procedure again eight hours later with the phone radio on, but first do a soft reset first. This would help determine if we are using agps or not.