Originally Posted by hljerdee
Hey shrink try unchecking all of these: alow usb connections,
allow connections to the following port and open active sync when my device connects...
And what version are you using?
I'm using MTTY ver 0.01
Under usb (of course)
Then type command: set 16 0
Then type command: boot
Once you get it connected of course... keep us posted..
Thanks - I see "allow USB connections" and that is unchecked but I don't see anything about ports or opening activesync when I connect (as I said, I am using Vista so it is WMDC). Am I missing something?
I am using version 1.16 and tried version 1.42. Those were the only versions I found at XDA developers.
I found 0.01 and selected USB but got "USB port can not open"